
We offer a complete package of web design and web development services. 

Process optimization

Many existing processes can be optimized and repetitive tasks automated. Our main goal is to increase efficiency, reduce costs and increase productivity. We do this by analyzing and redesigning processes using modern methods and technologies.


Social media marketing (SMM) is a multi-faceted marketing strategy that aims to strengthen brand awareness and customer loyalty via social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Through targeted content and interactive campaigns, companies reach a broad audience, promote dialog with the target group and thus increase their online presence.

Web design

In web design, we combine graphic design with a modern technical framework. Our web design is characterized by a clear structure, a responsive layout and a seamless user experience (UX). In addition to design, we also place a strong focus on loading speed, SEO and content management.


Get the most out of your website thanks to our search engine optimization (SEO) and give it the final push with search engine advertising (SEA)

Store design

Store design plays a crucial role in e-commerce as it is the virtual shop window of an online store. We take care of the design and optimization of the entire online shopping experience to ensure that it is visually appealing, user-friendly and tailored to the brand.


We breathe new life into your outdated website! When redesigning, we renew and improve your website to a technically and visually modern state. The aim is to improve the user experience and aesthetics in order to offer users added value and increase conversion rates.

Technologies & Tools

We use technologies that have become established over the years but are still state-of-the-art.
We specialize in WordPress and Shopify and can also design extensions and individual solutions.


The website of the dental practice in Lucerne was getting on in years and was completely redesigned and set up on a modern system. WordPress was the perfect solution for this, as the practice has many blog posts in addition to the static pages. These are sorted by topic and offer lots of information about dental health. The photos and videos were also created in-house and could therefore be perfectly integrated into the new design.



A website is more than just a nice representation of your business, hobby or personal brand.

Handmade with love

No mass production but individual and sustainable solutions
We strive for a long-lasting partnership and are therefore of the opinion that this is only possible with a complete package of good customer service, customer-oriented communication and good products.

We grow with them

Our offers are designed in such a way that they can be adapted quickly and flexibly.
When designing our offerings, we always keep an eye on what the future might hold and incorporate this into the design process. This enables us to develop solutions that can be adapted to changing circumstances.
Contact us

Modular and flexible

Our offers are designed in such a way that they can be adapted quickly and flexibly.
Thanks to the flexible systems we use, we can extend the functions with various modules and plug-ins and also develop our own solutions as required.


Lu Couture's website was previously built on Squarespace, but this no longer met the needs and requirements of the Swiss fashion company. So the whole thing was built on Shopify according to the customer's wishes. All content was transferred, reformatted, corrected and adapted to the new system. The previously complex navigation was made clearer and simpler without omitting any content.
  • Shopify Shop
  • Appointment booking tool
  • Many subpages and blog posts
  • Simple navigation through grouping
Lu Couture's website was previously built on Squarespace, but this no longer met the needs and requirements of the Swiss fashion company. So the whole thing was built on Shopify according to the customer's wishes. All content was transferred, reformatted, corrected and adapted to the new system. The previously complex navigation was made clearer and simpler without omitting any content.
  • Shopify Shop
  • Appointment booking tool
  • Many subpages and blog posts
  • Simple navigation through grouping
The wool processing business in the Bernese Oberland has been around for over 25 years. We have supported the business from the very beginning and gradually adapted the online store to current needs. In the process, some process optimizations were made which reduced the administrative effort. A point-of-sale system with central warehouse management was also integrated.
  • WordPress website with online store
  • Event calendar with upcoming markets and exhibitions
  • Individual programming
  • Entries can be made by users
  • Photo and video production
The wool processing business in the Bernese Oberland has been around for over 25 years. We have supported the business from the very beginning and gradually adapted the online store to current needs. In the process, some process optimizations were made which reduced the administrative effort. A point-of-sale system with central warehouse management was also integrated.
  • WordPress website with online store
  • Event calendar with upcoming markets and exhibitions
  • Individual programming
  • Entries can be made by users
  • Photo and video production
The yoga teacher in the Bernese Oberland
  • WordPress website
  • Blog
  • Video and photo productions
The yoga teacher in the Bernese Oberland
  • WordPress website
  • Blog
  • Video and photo productions


We like it structured, especially when it comes to your project.
The following is the process of a typical website redesign.


Process optimization

We analyze your website and the processes of your online store, for example, and help you to optimize processes and eliminate unnecessary work.

Optimization in the image upload process

On the website of the rock and metal magazine "Plekvetica" the photographers upload concert pictures and impressions of past events. The process of uploading the photos was very complicated and led to many errors. It was necessary to switch back and forth between pages, create galleries and then albums, name them correctly and then insert them into the post. This has been simplified so that the albums and galleries are created automatically and everything can be done in one place.

The old process consisted of many steps and was very error-prone. First, a gallery was created for each band in the backend (admin area) of the site, these were then merged into an album and the album number then had to be inserted on the post page. 

In the optimized process, the galleries are created automatically based on the band name and other available metadata. These are then automatically linked to an album and the post. The error rate has been massively reduced and the total process time has also been cut by 70%.

Creation time before optimization
0 Min ∅
Creation time after optimization
0 Min ∅
Less effort per year
0 minutes

Automatic creation of customers

The online store from was built on WooCommerce. Due to the individual clientele, there are always customers who do not order something via the online store, but by phone or during a personal visit, which is then produced and shipped. These customers often order a second time. 

Can't it be easier?

In the admin area, you first had to check whether a customer already existed. If not, a new customer could be created in the user area. This then had to be assigned to the order.

When creating the order, either an existing customer can be selected from the customer list or a new customer can be created using a checkbox.

Creation time before optimization
0 Min ∅
Creation time after optimization
0 Min ∅
Less effort per year
0 minutes

This function, as simple as it is, saves a lot of time. We wanted to share these savings and have therefore published the function as a plugin for WooCommerce. This is used by over 1,000 store operators and is constantly being developed further. 


Our team combines creativity, expertise and passion.
We are a group of dedicated professionals who work hand in hand to create innovative solutions and deliver outstanding results.

Bild von Dan


Web designer / Web developer / UX designer


Web designer / Web developer / UX designer

Bild von Björn


Business Development Manager


Become part of our team. We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate employees. Preferably as a freelancer.

Contact us

Are you planning the next digital step for your company and looking for a trustworthy partner in the field of web design? Our team is equipped to turn your online vision into reality. From the first sketch to the final click: We accompany you on the way to a web presence that is not only visually impressive, but also functionally convincing. Get in touch with us - we look forward to hearing from you and discussing your individual needs.

Dan's Art GmbH
Lischen 75a
3635 Uebeschi
+41 79 796 10 92

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